Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Childhood Memories

Well hello there!

I know it's been quite a while since I posted my last article but *sigh* here I am now! It's 1am here in Indonesia and I honestly don't know what to do. Yes, I have a class tomorrow morning so... screw you insomnia.

As usual, I'm going to share a short story about my life. But before I start, I just want to warn you that this article is pretty long (I know I said 'a short story' but I can't guarantee you all to expect a legit (lol did i just say legit.) short story cause I type a little too much. What can I say? I love typing. Hush.)

With an empty Starbucks cup by my side, let us begin the story.

Hahahahaha sorry I was being a typical white girl up there but oh well. But yeah, you read the caption, let's begin the story. For real.

Once upon a time in 1996 . .

Nah, that sounded so... Fairytale-ish. Too mainstream. Too unoriginal. Blah. Let's start it the right way.

I was born on Sunday, May 12 1996 at 5:55a.m. Even on the day I was born, there was a little story in it. My mom was about to give birth (to me, duh.) and my dad was also there. Since it was Sunday and my dad was (and still is) a reverend, he had a job for the morning service in our church at 7a.m. But of course, being an amazing husband and soon-to-be-dad he was, he didn't want to miss this incredible event. 

I'm going to be honest with you. It took five years for my parents to have a baby. They got married in 1991 and I was born in 1996. FIVE freakin YEARS. The struggles were real back then. 

It was nearly six as he became to be very anxious because he was stuck between to important events. His wife giving birth and his morning service job. I'm not gonna lie, my dad LOVES his job as much as he loves my mom so it's like... he has two wives... you know, my mom and his job... and... yeah that's how I see it though... BUT ANWYAY.

He didn't want to come late for this morning service in our church so he told the doctors and I quote, 

"If my wife didn't give birth by six, I really had to go."

Sad thing is, I don't know how my dad told the doctors about it. Like, did he tell them right in front of my mom's room or even in the room while listening to the nurse to keep pushing and stuff... No seriously, I don't know. After my dad quoted that line while telling me this story, he just jumped into the outline of the story.

"And guess what? It was five to six when you were born." and by that he finished. Finished. Done. The end. 

ahaha not really. Using these long spaces is so fun! I think I'm addicted to it. Well by the way, I didn't know how my mom got so motivated to give birth to me before six. She probably heard my dad say it or maybe one of the doctors told my mom, i don't know. But voila! I was born 5 minutes before 6 and my dad walked up to my mom and saw me for the first time in my mom's embrace.

It was one of the most beautiful moments my dad had ever experienced. My dad bent down to my face and whispered the most powerful prayer; The Lord's Prayer in my ear. His reason was simple, because my dad wanted me to hear the prayer before I got to hear the whole world around me. He also did that to my sister and brother. I got shivers when he told me this.

When I was 3, we moved to a small rented house in Tomang, West Jakarta. Before that, we lived in a manse nearby our church, but dad was transferred to another church, so my parents rented a small house. Living there was pretty awesome. I had new friends for the first time, which happened in my neighborhood and I was like 'went out of my shell' because I was a total shy girl back then.

I also had my very first day in school. Again, dad had a little story about this. I went to school with him and according to my dad, I held his hand so tight, too tight for a 3-year-old little girl. I assumed I was really scared to face the real world without my parents or everyone I knew around me. First day of school terrified 97% kids around the world... I guess. When we arrived, I held my dad's hand even tighter. I was scared of these strangers around me. I didn't recognize their faces, I didn't know them at all.

Dad understood immediately that I was terrified. So he crouched down to my level and hugged me before he said, "Don't be afraid, I'm right here."

And by that, I slowly let go of my dad's hand and let the teacher grabbed it slowly as she led me to my class. I hesitated at first so I kept looking at my dad behind me with a worried look. My dad gave me a nice but stern look and nodded his head slowly, as if to say "I'm still here." I believed him immediately and I got the courage to walk into class and began my very first lesson on my first day at school.

It's getting pretty late here. I'm gonna continue this story sooner or later. Promise. Don't believe me? I'LL MAKE YOU BELIEVE. ahahaha. no seriously i will. 

Pinky promise. Believe me now? :)