Tuesday, September 3, 2019

1:35 Thought


It’s 1:35 AM as I’m writing this on my phone. So I recently reunited with one of my closest friends (hi Echa) after A WHOLE YEAR of just staying in touch online. I had an eye-opening conversation with her. We talked about everything, literally EVERYTHING. About our jobs, our families, our love lives (more like her love life nsnasjjssj, anyways..) our current struggles, and our five-year plan for the future. I also got a new perspective on how to be an ‘adult’ at this weird age. Cause I’m not even sure if 23 is considered an ‘adult’ or am I still a ‘child’. Because I may be an ‘adult’, but not to my parents. It’s crazy how a year could change someone because reflecting to myself back in 2018, I was a whole different person. 

Many things happened in a span of one year and I learned from every single one of it. I learned that 1) things aren’t always the way I want them to be, and it’s okay. I also learned to 2) always have a backup plan, in case the first lesson happened. I’m mantaining my circle and keeping it as small as possible because having few friends is actually a great thing.

I’m just very happy with the way things are right now. I’m mentally stable, thriving at work, keeping my circle small, drinking enough water (yes this is a personal achievement), and just- content. And happy.

I never get to say this enough but I’m happy & thankful for all my friends surrounding me. Those who are literally there for me every second, who keeps me sane and brings out the ‘alay’-ness in me lol (if you take my ‘alay’-ness seriously, please move out of my face) and those who aren’t always with me all the time but once we meet for a catch up, a long ass conversation happens and I don’t even get to touch my phone and get distracted by it. I’m happy with how balanced the friendships I made. I have someone I can go to when I’m happy/sad to be my ‘cheerleader’, I have someone I can go to when I’m confused with how my life is treating me and in need of advice, I have someone I can go to when I need to have deep conversations with. And what amazes me is that all these someones are totally different people with entirely different backgrounds. I’m happy I stepped out of my comfort zone and got to meet all these different people under different circumstances. Honestly, I’m just happy with how small my circle is. 

So if you ever think about how my friends are “orangnya itu-itu aja”, I take it as a compliment and I thank you. The smaller your circle of friendship, the more real it is.

Thank you for taking your time to read my blog.

Linkan xx

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

u g h

ok first of all

Justin did THAT.

don't get me started.

now onto the real 'U G H'

parents need to know that they can't force two different people to be friends in instant.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Perpanjang Paspor Hilang (RELIABLE)

Passport gue ilang. (Padahal udah kadaluarsa) BUT STILL.

(kalau mau baca curhatan gue silakan lanjut. Kalau mau skip untuk baca langkah-langkah urus paspor hilang, scroll sampai garis putus-putus.) :)

Awalnya gue kira passport kadaluarsa itu engga penting-penting amat. Tapi setelah gue cek sana-sini di Google, ternyata passport itu sangat penting untuk selalu disimpan walaupun udah kadaluarsa. Passport adalah dokumen negara resmi yang kita jadikan identitas di luar negeri. Jadi emang berabe kalo ilang, even kalau udah kadaluarsa.

Ceritanya gini.
Gue mau nonton konser Coldplay tanggal 31 Maret nanti di Singapura. Tapi rencananya berangkat tanggal 30 Maret. Beli tiketnya udah dari November 2016 lalu, tapi saat itu gue mikir kalo passport gue engga hilang. Jadi sempet mikir buat perpanjang passport bulan Desember 2016. Eh... gue baru sadar passport gue ilang pas lagi beres-beres rumah sehari sebelum natalan. Tapi, me being me, mikir 'yaudahlah udah kadaluarsa ini kan...' guys jangan tiru ignorance gue ya.

Akhirnya niat perpanjang passport ketunda sampai awal Februari 2017. Iya, selama itu. Gue sampe ditanyain orang tua & temen-temen gue yang rencananya mau pergi bareng. "Lo jadi pergi ga sih? Passport lo perpanjang woi, udah mepet." denger kata 'udah mepet' akhirnya gue langsung buka langkah-langkah perpanjang paspor hilang.

Paspor hilang gabisa diperpanjang.

Gue seketika itu juga panik dan udah mikirin harga buat jual tiket Coldplay gue ke orang lain. Tapi paniknya ilang pas gue baca blog orang-orang tentang perkara yang sama. Tapi dari semua blog yang gue baca, semuanya nakutin. Asli. Soalnya mereka-mereka yang curhat ini bilang kalau urus passpor hilang itu bisa sebulan lebih dan dipersulit.

Lalu gue panik lagi.

Sampai akhirnya, gue bertekad untuk ngurus paspor gue yang hilang diawali tanggal 10 Februari 2017.

-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   - 


- KTP ( + fotocopy A4 - JANGAN DI CROP/POTONG WALAUPUN HASIL FOTOCOPY NYA CUMA SEUPRIT TAPI HVS NYA KEGEDEAN. Kantor Imigrasi butuh semua fotocopy dokumen lo dalam ukuran A4)
- Kartu Keluarga ( + fotocopy A4)
- Akte Kelahiran ( + fotocopy A4)
- Fotocopy/Scan Paspor lama yang hilang (dalam ukuran A4) (PS: Kalau ngga punya, bisa minta di bagian informasi kantor imigrasi tempat lo bikin paspornya. Berhubung gue bikin di Kanim Kelas I JakSel juga, jadi informasi paspor lama gue masih ada dan di print sama petugasnya. Bless him.)
- Surat Keterangan dari Polisi
- Berkas tambahan sebagai penguat BAP (contohnya; tujuan gue perpanjang paspor karena gue mau nonton konser Coldplay di Singapura, nah tiket konsernya di print untuk dijadikan barang bukti. Tenang aja, gabakal diambil. Lol.)

Semua data di KTP, KK, dan Akte Kelahiran harus sama yaa (Nama Lengkap, Tempat/Tgl. Lahir, dan alamat rumah) Soalnya kalau beda, ribet lagi urusnya.

Jumat, 10 Februari 2017

Gue ke Pos Polisi terdekat untuk minta tolong dibuatkan Surat Keterangan Polisi. Gue cuma bawa KTP sebagai identitas gue. Nah di Pos Polisi gue dimintai keterangan dan kronologi lengkap gimana paspor gue bisa hilang. Jawabnya harus detail sedetail mungkin. 

Jangan "saya lupa pak" atau "perasaan saya, saya taro di..." atau "wah saya ngga sengaja tinggalin di..." bisa berabe kalau lo diwawancara di imigrasi nantinya. Kalau emang engga sengaja, lo harus bisa 'merancang kata' supaya alasan lo kedengeran logis. Tapi jangan bohong juga. Tenang aja, pak Polisinya bakal bantuin lo untuk inget-inget lagi.

Pembuatan surat keterangan cepet kok. Kira-kira cuma 15 menit. Setelah itu, surat di print (kalau bisa, minta print dua kali just in case) dan ditanda-tangani pak Polisi dan gue. Oh iya, sebenernya jasa pembuatan surat keterangan itu gratis lho. Waktu gue tanya beliau berapa yang harus gue bayar, beliau jawab "terserah mbak saja." Akhirnya gue kasih 20.000 sebagai rasa apresiasi, karena most people yang gue baca di blog bayarnya segitu. Bedanya mereka dimintain, kalo gue, gue yang menawarkan. Ngasih lebih juga ngga masalah. Ingat etika yaa.

Rabu, 8 Maret 2017

Gila, jauh banget ya skip nya. Soalnya gue udah mulai magang tanggal 13 Februari, jadi gue ngga berani izin-izin dulu. Gue anak baru, masa minggu pertama kerja langsung izin? Hahaha. Tanggal 8 Maret akhirnya gue memberanikan diri untuk izin dan gue langsung ke Kanim Kelas I Jakarta Selatan yang di Warung Buncit. Patokannya halte bus Transjakarta. Pas di depannya.

Gue dateng jam 6 pagi ke Kanim dengan semua berkas penting dalam satu map. Ternyata orang-orang udah banyak yang antri. Udah macem mau nonton konser. Kanim bukanya jam 7 pagi ya btw. Pas gue dateng, gue langsung disamperin satpam, gue bilang gue mau bikin BAP (Berita Acara Pemeriksaan - kalo gasalah). Nah ini langkah awal untuk urus paspor hilang. Kanim JakSel cuma kasih batas 12 orang aja lho! Jadi harus dateng dari pagi-pagi buta. Bahkan ada ibu-ibu yang udah ngantri BAP dari jam 5 subuh dan beliau langsung jadi urutan pertama. Jangan dikira pemohon BAP itu dikit ya. Ternyata banyak juga lho. Bahkan pas antrian BAP habis, masih banyak orang yang datang telat dan engga dapet antrian. :(

Gue nunggu sampe kantor imigrasi buka jam 7 dan akhirnya 12 orang yang mau bikin BAP dipanggil dan dikasih map yang isinya sama kayak orang pemohon perpanjang paspor biasa. Bedanya, yang dilingkari tulisan 'Hilang' bukan 'Perpanjang' hahaha. Pake pulpen hitam ya! Kalau ngga ada, beli di koperasi, harganya 4 ribu. (Iya gue tau soalnya gue beli. Hee.)

Akhirnya nomor urut gue dipanggil dan gue langsung ke counter 11 khusus BAP. Semua berkas penting langsung gue serahin ke mbak-mbak Wasdakim. Oiya, gue sempet panik karena technically surat keterangan polisi gue udah habis masa berlaku (2 minggu) tapi engga diprotes/ditanyain sama mbak-mbak nya sih... But just in case diprotes/ditanyain, mendingan kalau udah lewat dua minggu dan belum urus paspor hilang, langsung bikin ulang surat keterangan-nya di pos/kantor polisi terdekat.

Mbak-mbak dari pihak Wasdakim yang wawancara gue lumayan santai kok, tapi tetep serius. Gue ditanyain lagi pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sama kayak waktu di Pos Polisi. Tapi kali ini lebih lengkap, bahkan gue sempet ditanyain "Kamu yakin?" wah kaco. penggoyah iman. Tapi ya namanya juga orang jujur, jadi kalo ditanyain pertanyaan-pertanyaan menjebak kayak gitu ya gue tetep kekeuh sama jawaban gue.

Jangan jawab "saya ngga sengaja tinggalin di..." atau "perasaan saya, saya taro di..." dan sebagainya. Mungkin ini salah satu faktor yang bisa mempersulit pembuatan BAP. Inget, kalau sampai ada faktor kelalaian, pembuatan paspor bisa ditunda 6 bulan sampe 2 tahun loh. Terus kalau ketahuan bohong, bisa kena hukum pidana dan denda ratusan juta.

Setelah diwawancara, surat BAP gue diprint dan ditanda-tangani setelah gue baca ulang semua kronologinya. Gue disuruh dateng lagi minggu depannya untuk ambil hasil BAP, untuk tau kalo gue dizinin sama Kepala Kantor Imigrasi atau engga diizinin buat bikin paspor baru.

Rabu, 15 Maret 2017

Seminggu kemudian, gue dateng lagi ke Kanim JakSel jam 8 pagi dan langsung ambil nomor antrian. Tapi bilangnya "Antrian ambil hasil BAP", nanti dikasih map angket biodata persis kayak yang dikasih waktu gue urus BAP minggu lalu. Oh iya, nomor antrian yang dikasih juga antrian pemohon paspor, jadi otomatis gue udah bisa langsung foto paspor baru. Tapi sebelum itu, gue langsung ke counter BAP tanpa antri dan satpam yang jaga disitu langsung ambil map BAP gue. Nomor antrian dari map baru, dituker ke map BAP gue, karena semua berkas gue ada di situ. Plus surat keterangan dari Kepala Kanim yang menyatakan kalau gue diperbolehkan untuk bikin paspor baru. Thank God.

Nomor antrian gue 291. Sedangkan di layar masih 20-an. Akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk ke kantor dan ngerjain dulu semua kerjaan gue. Engga perlu khawatir kalau takut kelewatan antrian, soalnya antrian imigrasi bisa diakses di Google.

Google Search: Antrian Imigrasi
Nanti langsung keluar website resmi imigrasi, klik, liat deh disitu udah sampe nomor berapa. Akhirnya jam 1 gue balik ke Kanim dan pas gue liat nomor di layar, masih antrian 230-an. Gue tinggal makan deh. Jam 4 gue balik dan nomornya udah 270-an. Lumayan sambil nunggu gue main HP aja. Ternyata udah sampe jam 5 dan antriannya masih banyak. Ada 400-an orang! Akhirnya sistem antrian otomatisnya diabisin dan kembali ke antrian manual, alias dipanggilin (read: teriak) sama petugasnya. Kita langsung dibagi ke counter-counter yang ada. Nomor gue dapet counter 5. Di counter kebetulan ada orang lain, jadi gue kasih berkas gue ke ibu-ibu di counter 5 dan nunggu lagi di luar.

Gue dipanggil dan kembali diwawancarai secara singkat. Ternyata satu counter yang jaga dua orang. Ada ibu-ibu sama mas-mas yang nanti fotoin gue.

Gue ditanyain lagi kenapa paspornya bisa ilang dan gue jawab dengan jawaban yang sama untuk yang kesekian kalinya. Lalu ditanyain mau bikin paspor yang berapa halaman, e-passport apa bukan, dll. Berhubung gue udah mepet banget, jadi e-passport udah engga mungkin. Gue difoto dan dikasih 'bon' nya gitulah. Disitu ada barcode nya, jadi nanti harus dibawa lagi kalau mau ambil paspor.

Di 'bon' itu ada petunjuk pembayaran paspor. Berhubung gue perpanjang paspor biasa, gue bayar Rp 355.000,00 (gue kurang tau kalau e-pass berapa. Pokoknya sekitar 600rb-an)

Rabu, 22 Maret 2017 

Sebenernya minggu lalu waktu gue selesai foto, mas-mas yang fotoin bilang kalau proses pembuatan paspor (biasa, bukan electric) itu 5 hari. Harusnya tanggal 20 udah bisa gue ambil, tapi I had this feeling kalau it would take longer than that, so I decided to go a week later.

Sesuai dengan pengalaman teman gue, dia bilang kalau ambil paspor itu baru bisa jam 1 siang. Jadi, gue masuk kantor dulu, pas jam makan siang gue langsung ke Kanim Kelas I JakSel. Mumpung deket. 

Gue sampai jam 2 dan gue udah mikir kalau antriannya bakal panjang.

Oh iya, yang gue bawa cuma KTP, 'Bon' dari minggu lalu, dan bukti transfer ATM. Di tempat ambil nomor antrian, gue bilang kalau gue mau ambil dan yang diminta cuma 'bon' itu untuk di scan. Bukti transfernya engga perlu. Setelah di scan, nama gue muncul di layar dan nomor antrian gue keluar.

Astaga, gue dua urutan lagi. Ternyata secepet itu!
Gue cuma duduk bentar dan nomor gue dipanggil ke salah satu loket.

Paspor gue langsung ada, data diri dalam paspor gue ditanya udah bener apa belum, terus gue disuruh isi buku tanda pengambilan paspor.

Selesai deh.

Jadi kalau disingkat, proses perpanjang paspor yang udah hilang sebenernya engga serumit yang ditulis di blog-blog yang gue baca. Prosesnya selama dua minggu, terhitung dari hari gue dateng ke kantor imigrasi untuk urus BAP.

Kuncinya niat aja sih. Niat ke Kanim, niat ngantri, niat dll. hahaha.

Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat ya! 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Thanks, Jojo!


I'm gonna make this quick.

I haven't had any 'fangirling moments' in years and surprisingly this morning, I did.
You may or may not know that I'm a crazy Twitter user. Although most of my friends have quit this site, I didn't and that pretty much proves how loyal I am. *smirks*


I'm a huge HUGE fan of Victoria's Secrets and one of my most favorite angels is Josephine Skriver. She's a cute and charming Danish model and became an angel in February 2016. I've been expressing how much I love and adore her, especially her relationship with Alexander DeLeon. I just love those two love birds.


I was on Twitter as always and I saw Jojo's tweet about going across the globe. One girl replied assuming she was heading to India, which she replied 'Close by'. Before that, I saw her recent tweets using a bunch of tropical emojis and that's when I became 'sotoy' af. I instantly replied saying, 'Maldives????' I tweeted that early in the morning and after that I closed my Twitter app, knowing she wouldn't read it.


Just when I reached my office, I headed to my desk and did what I have to do. Then, I became pretty bored so I opened my Twitter app again to see if there's any news or gossip happening right now. I was pretty shocked to see that I had 3 new notifications and that's when I became nervous, thinking 'what if Jojo replied?!'

She did lmao.

Here's the whole receipt. (oh my god I'm literally smiling all day)

(My name was on her Twitter page holy shoot)

(You know. Casually having a Twitter convo with Jojo. No big deal)

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Passport Situation

There’s this story that still lingers in my head for almost five years and I still remember every second of it. The story of two people: a father and his daughter. Of course it’s about my dad and I.
It all happened on September 2010.
I was on a trip to Israel with my dad and many other people from our group. It was probably the longest father-daughter quality time I’ve ever had with my dad because mostly we do it with my sister.
We were queuing at the border of Egypt and Israel. The system worked pretty strange to me. We got down from the bus, carried our own luggage all the way from the parking lot to the Israel’s Immigration Office to take care of our passports and stuff.
Long story short, it was finally my turn to get my passport checked by the officer. My dad was currently having his passport checked on the counter next to mine. The guy opened my passport and took a little glance at my face, making sure if I was the owner of my own passport. (Obviously)
“Are you here alone?” He finally spoke up.
“No, I’m here with my dad.” I answered truthfully.
“Where is he?” He tried to look behind my shoulder to find the man but of course he didn’t see him because my dad was standing next to me.
The same thing probably happened to my dad. The woman behind the counter asked him the same question and his answer was that he wasn’t alone.
Sadly, what he said was “I’m here with a group.” Completely leaving the ‘Daughter’ word.
Now back to the guy behind the counter in front of me. “I don’t see your father. Where is he?” Sighing, I pointed to my dad’s counter. “There.”
With a different language, he called the woman who was checking my dad’s passport. They started saying things I couldn’t understand, but from what I saw, they were talking about my father and I. The guy kept pointing at my passport, specifically my photo. My no-expression-passport-photo.
Dad came to my side with a face full of concern.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, but I just shrugged.
What made me confused was that they looked like they were comparing our passports and laughed –more like snickered. I was annoyed. Scratch that. Pissed. That was offensive! You should never have had done such thing.
“What’s your full name?” he suddenly asked after what seemed like ages.
“Linkan Rinynda Tesalonika Letlora.” I answered instantly, not missing any beat. I have to admit, I was hella proud of myself.
“Why is there no ‘Letlora’ on your passport?”
“Some birth certificate problem when I was a baby. They forgot to put Letlora as my last name. So…” I drifted, not knowing what to answer.
He just nodded and kept staring at me with a raised eyebrow. Why wasn’t this guy convinced? I raised an eyebrow back at him. In your face, grandpa, I thought.
What’s worse was the guy asked me the most unbelievable question.
“Are you sure he is your father?”
Shocked with the question, I glared at him, and answered. “Yes, I’m sure.”
“What’s his full name?”
Are you kidding me right now?
“Alexius Letlora. No middle name” I mumbled.
He glanced down at my dad’s passport and the woman next to him was staring coldly at my face. What was your problem, woman?
“When and where was he born?” He continued, without looking away from the passport in his *shudders* hairy hand.
“Surabaya, Indonesia, April 7th 1964.”
“Alright that’s all. Both of you may go.”
I looked up to my dad and found him smiling down at me and I couldn’t do anything else other than to smile back at him. I was glad I got through that stupid situation with him. Because if I wasn’t I would have mocked the daylights out of that guy.
Because of our little situation, the line got full and they had to open two counters on my left. I know right?

What I’m trying to say from this story is that I’m glad I know my father very well and I’m lucky to have a special bond with him. (You too mom.) But I have to say that I’m more of a daddy’s girl. I’m really close with my dad.
I’m also glad that God has blessed me with an amazing father like him. He is definitely a great father and has the best father figure. He’s always with me through the ups and downs. He’s always there for me and he’s got my back.
Although sometimes (I’m sorry, dad) I can be quite mad at him because of his rules, I know he does everything for our best and that what makes my ‘anger’ vanished.
I’m grateful to have my dad and to know that other people see me as a reverend’s daughter. Honestly, just because I’m a reverend’s daughter I can’t do things normal teenagers do. I can, but I set my own limits and boundaries on what can I do and what can’t I do.
My dad has his own teenaged life too in his young age. He wasn’t ashamed to tell me about all the pranks he pulled to his college friends. He was the master of pranks back then in his university and that confused me. How did he end up being a reverend?
He even told me that one of his teachers told him that he would never be a reverend. Well voila! Look at him now.
All in all, I want to say Happy Birthday, dad.
You’re my dad, my best friend, and my hero. Because let’s face it, not all heroes wear capes.
Thanks for everything you taught and your efforts to be a great dad. I appreciate everything you do and I’m sorry if I ever let you down. I promise I’ll try to be better.
Also thank you for not giving up on me when I was at my lowest point of life. I wouldn’t be able to face the world if it wasn’t for you and because of you.
I hope our bond gets stronger and stronger each day and I’m wishing you all the best of luck in your job. Never stop spreading the story of God and never give up because as what you always tell me, I got your back. We got your back, dad.
I love you.
Sincerely, your eldest daughter,
Linkan Rinynda Tesalonika………..Letlora :p