Thursday, January 24, 2013

Strong Love

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for stopping by. I found out that my mom's friend read my previous post about my dad and she told my mom that it was inspiring and I should write more. Well, thank you for the feedback, miss! Really do appreciate it :) But anyway, this time, I wanna tell you a story of a couple, which is no ordinary couple.

Let's just get started...

There are so many amazing and enjoyable experiences in relationships, but not all of them are amazing and enjoyable. In some times, people had to face their struggles and problems, not knowing how to end them and don't know what to do to stay strong for each other in their relationships. Every people had their own experiences in their relationships. Some of them were delightful, some of them were stressful, and some of them just... let's just say didn't end up well.

But this one couple had their own experience...

It all happened on a rainy Christmas Eve in somewhere deep in South Sulawesi, Indonesia where there was a young man and his wife were about to go back home, which was miles away from their church, to celebrate Christmas together. They weren't a rich couple, so they had to borrow an old motorcycle to go home.  Despite the windy and rainy weather, they kept their smiles on their faces.

Darkness filled their journey as they kept protecting themselves from any danger. The rain got heavier, the wind blew harder, and the road was muddy, which was unnecessary for the motorcycle to keep going on. In fact, the poor vehicle had to stop because of the muddy road

and this is the beginning of the real story...

The man decided to hide the borrowed motorcycle underneath a palm tree. Don't get me wrong, but they were in the middle of a hood. Trees and bushes were at their surroundings, so it was quiet impossible to look for help.

The young couple decided to walk together, hand in hand. You have no idea how tough they were that time because they had to protect each other and stay strong for each other. It was dark, very dark, and it was still raining. They kept walking together, hoping to arrive safely at their home. After a few minutes of walking in the heavy rain, they stopped because apparently they had to climb up a hill. Seeing the journey got tougher, the wife started to whimper, complain, not accepting the situation that was going on right then.

"When are we going to get home?" "Are we there yet?" "Why is the rain so heavy?" those were the most said words from the wife's trembled mouth. The husband couldn't say anything to answer all of his dearest wife's questions, even though it was quiet easy to answer them, but he couldn't guarantee anything in a dreadful moment like that. He looked up to the sky and the rain just got heavier and heavier each time...

As if the night terrifying sky was mocking them, saying "Just give up. You'll never get home."

As you all may know, a gentleman wouldn't want to see his wife cries, and being a gentleman the husband is, he faced his wife and offered himself to carry her. The husband didn't say anything to answer all of his wife's questions, instead he did something unexpected and not every guy was brave enough to do this daring action, especially in a dreadful situation like that.

The young man moved his backpack and hung it against his chest, while having his wife on his back. Slowly but surely, he climbed up the hill, worrying that something might happen to him and his wife, turned out, nothing bad happened and they reached the top successfully. He let go his wife and held her hand tight, not letting her go. They started walking again and for once in awhile, the husband spoke up, "Don't look back. You might would end up being a pillar of salt, like Lot's wife." (If you don't know the story of Lot and His Wife, you can read it on Genesis chapter 19, verse 1 and ends on verse 26) followed by a soft chuckle, so he would light up the situation.

Slowly walking together, they finally arrived to their cozy home and their friends were there, waiting for them to celebrate Christmas together with them but most importantly, with the darkness of the day and the steep hill, they could pass them all together, because their love was strong and nothing could stop them.

Since then, December 25th 1992 was an unforgettable day for this couple and they would never be bored to share their experience to other people, especially couples.

You see, the young man is actually my dad and his wife is... of course my mom. Hahaha. I want to share this amazing story to you all because I found this inspiring, very very inspiring. You have no idea how much I wanted to tear up when I read the article for the first time (it's written in Indonesian / Bahasa Indonesia and it's available on my dad's website: - also check out my dad's other inspiring stories there!)

I get inspired easily and I want to inspire people's lives with my own stories. I will tell you my stories one day, not just my parents'. ;)

Thank you so much for reading and I'm truly sorry if there is any grammar mistake. English isn't my main language so... yeah. But, please leave a feedback if you'd like. Thank you once again and God bless!

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